Buddy's Story

Around 8 years ago my ex girlfriend and I decided to get a frenchie (basically it was her that wanted a dog, I didn’t), I was travelling back and forth and obviously I couldn’t really have him with me. So he was staying at her place and she was living with her parents , sisters, nephews at the time….it’s a big house.

At first everything was going great. She eventually got a job which required her to be out of the house for most of the time. So our little Frenchy “buddy” stayed home, her parents didn’t like him, and they were scared of having a dog with kids around so they kept him trapped in a room and sometimes in crate the whole time.

Of course I didn’t know this until later, so he started becoming more and more territorial and protective and started showing signs of aggression towards strangers.

black french bulldog names buddy lying on a green blanket on a couch
buddy the french bulldog sitting on his bed

Immediately, with kids being around we couldn’t take that risk, so we put him in boarding for 1 month training, only to find out that the training facility used old school methods like prong collars and electric collars.
This aggregated the aggression to unbelievably heights. At one point my ex girlfriend proposed letting him go or even putting him down. Obviously I disagreed, I made a decision to return to the country and take care of him. So I shifted jobs, for her and for him and to be fair I wasn’t really happy abroad. We got a new apartment for us to live in with buddy. 2 years later we broke up, she met someone new and that was the end of it. She didn’t want him anymore so I took him in.

I got my own place, started my life with him. I had to mitigate and be careful when strangers are around but my whole life revolved around his aggression. He was super aggressive towards everything and overly protective of me and his house. Many trainers said that I’m to blame because of how much I love him but I literally tried everything! Nothing worked…in the next few years…I lost both of my parents early in their lives, Covid hit, and he was literally my only place where I could find peace and affection. I was in a low and he was my best friend. 

buddy the french bulldog on his side on the grass panting
buddy the french bulldog happy

But I never gave up on him… and neither did he. He would not have any girlfriend or friend come visit me without him losing it..3 years ago I met someone, at first he was overly aggressive , but she tried and we tried, slowly I started integrating him, first 6 months he was always on Leash with me and her…until he started becoming her best friend too…we got married, we have a beautiful baby boy, and my dog is still here and he loves all 3 of us. But he still hates all strangers 😂

Want to share your Frenchie story?

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