- Do French Bulldogs Have Tails Or Is It Docked?
- French Bulldog Tail Types & French Bulldog Breed Standards
- What Causes the Frenchie Tail To Be So Short?
- How Short Are French Bulldogs’ Tails?
- Are Short Tails Considered a Health Problem?
- How to Care for a French Bulldog Tail
- Can French Bulldogs Wag Their Tails?
- Are French Bulldogs Born With Naturally Short Tails, Or Do Frenchies Have a Docked Tail?
- French Bulldog Tail Issues
- French Bulldog Hemivertebrae
Small dogs with big personalities, it is hard not to fall in love with cheeky and confident French Bulldogs. For many people, their tail is a source of interest, as well as confusion. It has quite a unique appearance, and there are a few variations within the breed.
Sadly, their tail design is somewhat flawed and can contribute to several health issues. Knowing what to watch out for can help you both manage and prevent chronic tail issues in your quirky little companion.
Do French Bulldogs Have Tails Or Is It Docked?
If you had never met a French Bulldog before, you’d be forgiven for assuming their tail is docked. Indeed, such a short tail on a Dalmatian, Boxer or Spaniel, would not be natural. However, French Bulldog puppies are born with this type of tail.
If you see what you think is a French Bulldog with a longer tail that is long and straight, they will be a cross-breed, rather than a pedigree.
French Bulldog Tail Types & French Bulldog Breed Standards
Within the breed, and even within the same litter, there can be slightly different French Bulldog tail types. For the most part, the length and shape of the tail are determined by genetics. This means that puppy tail types tend to take after their parents.
French Bulldog Standard Tail
According to the Kennel Club breed’s standard, a french bulldog’s tail should be long enough to cover the anus. They are thick at the root, but then taper to a tip. There is a preference for non-curly tails.
The French Bulldog Straight Tail
A straight tail will be thick and stumpy and should be several inches long. This sort of tail should be low set, rather than carried high in the air.
A French Bulldog Screw Tail
An ingrown or corkscrew French Bulldog tail is seen as a flaw within the breed and is not desirable. It is linked with a genetic mutation and often means vertebral abnormalities.
If your french bulldog has an inverted tail it will be coiled and sit to one side. In the most severe cases, the tails cannot be straightened, even by hand.
What Causes the Frenchie Tail To Be So Short?
These dogs have been bred by people to have shorter tails. This was not only for aesthetic purposes but also to ensure their tail would not get caught or trapped when carrying out their work.
In the past, they’ve been used for bull-baiting, in blood sport, and as ratters. For all of these purposes, the breeders will have selected those dogs with shorter tails, that were less prone to injury. However, in doing so, breeders have unwittingly selected for genetic mutations which have had unfavourable consequences.
How Short Are French Bulldogs’ Tails?
A typical tail length is just a few inches, and rarely more than five inches. This is contrast to a Chihuahua, for example, that has a tail which can measure up to eight inches.
Are Short Tails Considered a Health Problem?
Very short tails like those of the French Bulldog are linked to health issues, yes. As the tails are tucked closely to the body, localised infections are frequently found in the tail pocket. Worst case, these short tails will be associated with spinal malformations and neurological deficits.
How to Care for a French Bulldog Tail
These stumpy tails cling tightly to the body, meaning there is poor ventilation. This leads to increased humidity and a build-up of moisture, which commonly causes chronic skin infections. Owners can help by regularly cleaning the skin folds around and under the tail. They must also be thoroughly dried. It is sensible to get into the habit of checking the tail every day, ensuring there is no redness, discomfort, ooze, or bad smell.
Can French Bulldogs Wag Their Tails?
Most French Bulldogs are physically able to move and wag their tail. However, they are not able to do so vigorously, and their wag is a lot more subtle than that of other dogs. Indeed, this can lead to other dogs having trouble understanding their body language, as they’re not used to such short tails.
Are French Bulldogs Born With Naturally Short Tails, Or Do Frenchies Have a Docked Tail?
As a Frenchie is born with a naturally short tail, there would usually be no need to dock (surgically amputate) the lower part. A French Bulldog’s docked tail is an uncommon sight. If their already very short tail needs to be removed, this would usually be a result of e.g. an injury, advanced infection, or cancer.
French Bulldog Tail Issues
Unfortunately, many French Bulldogs must deal with tail issues throughout their lives. For most, these will be manageable but does mean that owners need to be quite on the ball when it comes to their hygiene and monitoring their tails.
French Bulldog Anatomy
The tail is the bottom part of a dog’s spine. The spine is made up of about 50 vertebrae, with 20-23 of these usually being the coccygeal (caudal) vertebrae. However, for a French Bulldog, they can have 10-15 less than this!
What is a Tail Pocket on a Frenchie?
Some Frenchies have small dents or ‘pockets’ or dimples, where the skin puckers inwards, under their tail. This is not how a dog’s body was designed, and this ‘flaw’ can lead to dirt, debris and moisture becoming trapped.
What is an Infected Tail Pocket?
If not cleaned out very regularly, there may be an overgrowth of bacteria and fungi in the tail pocket. This will lead to infection, inflammation and discomfort. Unfortunately it is common in short tailed dogs like the French Bulldog.
How can you tell if your Dog’s Tail Pocket is Infected?
The tell tail signs (pun intended) of tail pocket infection include:
- you can smell the infection as there is a bad odor in the region
- a brown colored discharge
- unusually dry or flaky skin around the tail pocket
- red or swollen area at the base of the tail
Most cases are prevented with regular cleaning and medicated washes. If your dog has any of the above however, a trip to the vet is warranted, where you will probably get antibiotics or anti inflammatory medicine to treat the infection. When the issue is persisting, a surgery to remove the affected tissue may be advised.
To prevent Infection cleaning and maintenance are crucial. The best way to do this is to get a damp cloth or wipe and gently wipe the area clean of any dirt.
French Bulldog Hemivertebrae
Hemivertebrae are abnormally shaped spinal bones (vertebrae). They do not align as they should, which can result in instability and even spinal cord compression. Signs can include wobbly walking and weakness and can be a very painful condition for a dog.
Signs can range from non-existent or very subtle weakness to severe pain, incontinence, and paralysis. Those with advanced signs may require surgery, though this is sadly not always effective. When a dog’s quality of life is badly impacted, euthanasia would have to be considered.
Imaging studies such as X-rays and CT scans can identify hemivertebrae. It is possible for them to be identified on a radiograph by chance, and to never cause the dog any issues.
What Can Be Done to Prevent Hemivertebrae?
When it comes to this sort of hereditary issue, it is the breeders who can help prevent future suffering. Those with hemivertebrae and tail pockets should not be bred from. Sadly those breeders motivated by financial gain only may not follow ethical breeding practices. Breeding only those Frenchies with the healthiest spines and tails is the best way to keep the breed happy and healthy.
As a potential owner, take a look at the tails of both mum and dad. Try, as much as you can, to choose pups who have been bred from excellent examples of the breed, with straight tails that completely cover the anal opening.